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       This One Year


Its been 1 year since I know you...or I can say more than a year...whatever it is we have had our share of joys and sorrows...rather say ups and downs in life...

So here I wish "Happy Anniversary" to my sweetheart....

I have had the fondest of memories with you in my life...and  it will continue till the end.. Till I am with you in your least I hope so...

I pray God to give you a long life...and to fulfill all the dreams you have dreamt of...I know about your dreams.. Remember once you said.. You dream of yourself driving an "IKON" car...

That's what I am talking about.....other dream is about getting a good job.. Maybe INFOSYS or something like that....

I hope I will be with you till then....because its a long journey ahead which I wish to travel with you... And I hope you will not drop me somewhere in the way if I disappoint you in life at any point of time...

At present I just pray to God and its my earnest desire too... To see you in flying colors after completing your MCA and getting a very good job... Rather in a high position...

And after you accomplish these things in life I wish for myself to be in a good job too .... And the last dream which I dream of and I also know its your dream too...Of we getting married....!

What do u think about that? Aint it a great idea....??

But I know that after we getting married...You will trouble me the most.... As it is you are troubling me now .... But that's what I enjoy.. When I am down and you trouble me.. My worries vanish.. So keep troubling....till then.....

I wish to see you smiling always...I again say "always"... I never want to see a tear in your eyes.. As of now I am having tears in my eyes while typing this...

Ok no emotions now.....

But after today's fight...I will not talk about marriage and stuff to you you will not force me for I think its better I don't talk about all this...because its your will decided whom you will marry.

I am just  a stranger to you...because its only 1 year since we know each other...and I should not decide about such personal matters now itself...

Who knows what will happen after you finish studying...and who knows what will happen with me...if you take me and go...I will be very very happy.. because that's the last thing on this earth I wish for and nothing else but to be with YOU (the person whom I love the most in my life and not my parents)....

Remember that ...I am requesting you not to ever leave me ....I will never be able to live without you in my it is if I don't talk to you even for a day or if I don't meet you once a week I get depressed....

That's all I have to tell you.....I LOVE YOU

Its true that.....

It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone,
An hour to like someone,
And a day to love someone,
But it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

Thats what happened with just took me a few days to get a crush on you...and then to like you...and then I started to love you....and it will surely take centuries for me to forget you...




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